Please take a moment to consider our Client Services process; and how an affiliation with us will add value to your business model and clients. It takes time, energy and resources to develop a lead, and seconds to lose them forever when you can’t serve them immediately. We want to help you cultivate prospects and close more deals with no cost to you.

Our Pipeline Management & Client Development process works!!
Our proven and comprehensive business methods educate and advocate for your client. We will add value and consistency to your model by capturing and serving prospects that may otherwise just fade away.
As an Affiliate Partner Marah Mutual will:
Edify and endorse you & your company. Prospects want to know they have made a good choice in engaging in your business.
Take time to understand their goals and desired results. This will be passed along to you. This information can be vital to your success.
Waive analysis fees ($80) so the prospect or client will get immediate value & understanding and no charge or obligation.
The analysis will include an overview of Debt to income ratios, Balance to limit ratios, Credit mix, FICO score and certain lending thresholds. During the process we will direct them to begin to compile the needed documents for your file. We will show a prospect how to setup their personal credit monitoring account. This allows for understanding of their current position.
A portal for client and referral source to track results. Transparency, operational integrity and accountability are extremely important in our process.
Pipeline management follow-up appointments. We will go over your client pipeline every 30-90 days depending on your volume and size of your base. Our primary goal is to get the client back in your office for a closing. Your referrals now will be your closings in 90-180 days.
We create win win strategies for our affiliates and clients. Our goals are the same as yours and your customers.